Chapter 1. Introduction to DB2 deployment 21
An Authorized User is defined as one and only one individual with a specific
identity within or outside your organization. Each Authorized User has a unique
specific identity and ID, which cannot be shared or transferred unless there is a
change in employment status. An ID can establish one or more connections to
the program and count as a single Authorized User. If an Authorized User makes
connections to other DB2 data servers, additional licenses should be acquired
for those connections using charge metric for those other DB2 data servers.
Processor Value Unit license
This license is based on the processor rating of the server replacing the previous
processor based licensing. Introduction of the multi-core processor prompted a
change to the licensing of IBM software. The Processor Value Unit (PVU)
assigns a specific number of processor value units to each processor core. This
type of processor rating allows sub-capacity licensing, which provides flexibility
to address changes in processor technology. Figure 1-3 outlines current
Processor Value Units per core at the time this book was written.
Figure 1-3 Processor Value Units per core