Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 75
The script then performs silent installation using the provided response file and
unmaps the DB2 installation image. As mentioned earlier, it might be prudent to
leave given mapped drive intact.
Execution of this script will result in the output shown in Example 2-26.
Example 2-26 Sample Windows deployment script output
C:\>dir *.bat
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is DCDC-8C9E
Directory of C:\
07/25/2007 01:17 PM 0 AUTOEXEC.BAT
06/12/2008 11:25 AM 209 DB2Deploy.bat
2 File(s) 209 bytes
0 Dir(s) 151,635,767,296 bytes free
C:\>Net use z: \\\Software\DB2_server\Win\ESE\ESE\image /
user:somebody password
The command completed successfully.
C:\>z:\setup /U Z:\PROD_ESE.rsp
C:\>echo 0
C:\>net use z: /DELETE
z: was deleted successfully.
Regardless of the language used, all deployment scripts should reference a
central common installation location and use the response file installation
method. Usage of the deployment tool is discussed in-depth in 3.2.4, “Mass
deployment of IBM data server client product” on page 100.
2.4 Fix pack deployment
In this section, we discuss various methods for deploying DB2 fix pack.
Deploying a fix pack is one of the installation maintenance tasks for Database
Administrators or System Administrators.