Any values, which you do not set, use the default values when you enable this
feature. The adapter only checks these values at startup.
Adapter Administrator Roles for Windows
Both the service and non-service version of TME adapters on Windows run under
the local SYSTEM account (the built-in Windows account). You must create a
Tivoli administrator that grants the Tivoli role of senior (or higher) to the SYSTEM
account so that the adapters can send events to the event server. Otherwise, the
TME adapters exit on the first event.
To create a Tivoli administrator with senior (or higher) authorization role, do the
1. Select Create Administrators from the Administrators icon.
2. You can leave the User Login Name and Group Login Name fields blank.
3. Type in SYSTEM in the Set Login Names dialog.
4. Select senior (or higher) in the Set TMR Roles dialog.
Starting the Adapter
By default, the adapter is always started when Windows is started. If you are
using the Windows service version of the Windows event log adapter, you can use
the Windows tools to operate the adapter. For example, you can start and stop the
adapter using Windows Control Panel Services. You can also manually start the
adapter from the command line with the following command:
net start TECWinAdapter
Note: The endpoint adapter is automatically started as a step in the adapter
installation process when the adapter configuration profile (ACP) is
distributed using the Adapter Configuration Facility (ACF).
Stopping the Adapter
You can manually stop the adapter from the command line with the following
net stop TECWinAdapter
Note: The endpoint adapter can be automatically stopped by distributing an ACP
that has the adapter start command removed from the after-file-distribution
actions. See the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console User’s Guide for additional
Events Listing
The following table shows the class names and severities of all events defined for
the Windows event log adapter. You can use it to get a sense of how Windows
events are mapped to IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events and to determine if
you want to make any changes. The events are defined in the BAROC file.
See the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Rule Builder’s Guide for more information
about customizing the BAROC file.
120 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console: Adapters Guide