IBM Enterprise Console Network Router User Manual

Logging Events in Test Mode
The file to which events are logged in test mode (instead of being sent to an event
server) is created with a record length of 240 bytes if it does not exist. Because an
event written to this file does not wrap to a new line if it is longer than 240 bytes,
it is truncated. To avoid truncation, create the file ahead of time using the CRTPF
or CRTSRCPF commands and specify a large enough record length to
accommodate your events. To utilize this file, ensure that it is specified for the
ServerLocation keyword. For additional information, see the ServerLocation and
TestMode keywords on pages 13 and 14, respectively.
Also, be sure that you use the proper format, ABCLIB/TECMSGS
(Library/Filename). If the file does not exist, it is created automatically.
TCP/IP Considerations
Ensure that the event server and the AS/400 are configured in your network Name
Server, and that the AS/400 is configured to resolve to the Name Server.
If you do not use a Name Server in your network, make sure that an entry exists
on the AS/400 in the TCP/IP host table for both the event server and the AS/400
system. Use the following commands to do this:
ADDTCPHTE INTNETADR(’event server protocol address’)
HOSTNAME((event server host name))
TEXT(’Tivoli Enterprise Console event server’)
ADDTCPHTE INTNETADR(AS/400 protocol address)
HOSTNAME((AS/400 host name)) TEXT(‘AS/400’)
Starting an AS/400 Adapter after an IPL
There are two methods that can be used to start an AS/400 alert adapter
automatically after an initial program load (IPL), as follows:
v Adding an autostart job to a job queue
v Modifying the AS/400 startup program to call the STRTECADP command
Adding an Autostart Job to QSYSWRK
1. Create a Control Language (CL) program that will invoke the STRTECADP
command, for example:
a. Edit a source file member to add CL statements:
b. Enter the following in the source file member. You can have a STRTECADP
command for each adapter you would like to start:
Note: Ensure that the TCP/IP service is started on the AS/400 system
before starting an adapter.
c. Create the program using the previous source program:
2. Create a job description that calls the previous program and use QSYSNOMAX
as the job queue:
Chapter 2. AS/400 Alert Adapter 35