IBM Enterprise Console Network Router User Manual

Chapter 3. AS/400 Message Adapter
The AS/400 message adapter forwards events from an AS/400 system to the event
server. It can be registered with the startup configuration of the AS/400 system so
that the adapter is started with all the other applications when the AS/400 system
is started. See Starting an AS/400 Adapter after an IPLon page 52 for
instructions on starting the adapter automatically with the AS/400 system.
The AS/400 message adapter is a program that does the following:
v Reads messages from a message queue on an AS/400 system
v Extracts information from the message
v Creates IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console classes, using a class definition statement
(CDS) file
v Filters IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events that are not important, using a
configuration file
v Sends IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console events to an event server (using TCP/IP
sockets) that runs user-created rules against these events
AS/400 message events can be gathered from any non-program message queue,
including the system operator message queue QSYSOPR. Multiple AS/400 message
adapters can be running at the same time. One AS/400 message adapter can
monitor the system operator message queue while another is monitoring an
application message queue.
A few of the benefits of the AS/400 message adapter are as follows:
v Consolidates the system operator message console, QSYSOPR, for all the AS/400
systems in your enterprise
v Monitors applications that use message queues
v Filters out messages that are not important and only notifies the Tivoli operators
when something critical happens
v Automatically acts on events using customer-defined rules and tasks (using the
event server)
v Centrally configures adapter files that can be sent to remote AS/400 systems
Adapter Files
The AS/400 adapter package consists of the following files:
The configuration file.
The CDS file.
The BAROC file. This file is located on the event server with the
name of as400msg.baroc. It is automatically compiled into the
active rule base when the event server is installed.
Make a backup copy of the CFG_MSG file if you intend to modify the contents of
any of the members.
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