IBM Enterprise Console Network Router User Manual

Special characters
.baroc file
See BAROC files 16
.cfg file
See installation script 8
.conf file
See configuration file 9
.err file
See error file 19
.oid file
See object identifier file 8
.rls file
See rules file 8
$VARBIND, built-in variables for 72
about publications, feedback ix
ACF 2, 10, 95
acl attribute 5
ACP 95
Adapter Configuration Facility 2, 10, 95
adapter configuration profile 95
adapter_host attribute 5
AdapterCdsFile keyword 10
AdapterErrorFile keyword 10
buffer filter 15
described 1
files, list 7
locations, files 9
startup errors 21
troubleshooting 21, 22
administrator attribute 5
administrators 5
alert code point, AS/400 26
alert filter, AS/400 26
AS/400 alert adapter
alert filter 26
BAROC file 32
buffer files 24
CDS file 25
code pages 25
configuration file 24
configuring filters 26
deregistered filters 27
described 23
ENDTECADP command 30
event listing 34
existing alert filters 27
FETCH examples 25
files 23, 142
graphic character set 25
AS/400 alert adapter (continued)
job queue 35
keywords, CDS file 25
message queues 24
multiple adapters 36
Name Server 35
POSTEMSG command 38
registering filters 27
routing alerts 27
SELECT examples 25
severity levels, events 32
starting 27, 35
stopping 29
STRTECADP command 28
TCP/IP considerations 35
test mode and events 35
troubleshooting 34
AS/400 message adapter
attribute defaults 50
CDS file 41
commands 53
configuration file 40
described 39
event listing 50
files 39, 142
FTP session 53
message queues 53
Name Server 51
start up program, changing 52
starting 45, 52
stopping 47
TCP/IP considerations 51
test mode and events 51
troubleshooting 51
as400msg.baroc file 50
ASCII log files 1
acl 5
adapter_host 5
AS/400 message adapter 50
NetWare adapter 58
OpenView adapter 67, 71, 74
OS/2 adapter 81
SNMP adapter 86, 87
UNIX log file adapter 104
Windows event log adapter 121
Windows NT event log adapter 135
administrator 5
base event 4
cause_date_reception 5
cause_event_handle 5
credibility 5
date 5
date_reception 5
event_handle 5
format 4
hostname 5
list of attributes 5, 6, 7
msg 5
msg_catalog 5
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