Tivoli Enterprise Console
Adapters Guide provides detailed descriptions
for the currently available IBM Tivoli
Enterprise Console adapters.
Who Should Read This Guide
This guide is for IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console administrators who configure event
adapters and IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console gateways.
You should have prior knowledge of the following:
operating system
v Microsoft
2000 or Windows NT
operating systems
v Tivoli Management Framework
v Adapter operating system
For example, if you are using an OpenView adapter, you should be familiar with
Hewlett-Packard OpenView.
What This Guide Contains
The IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Adapters Guide contains the following sections:
v Chapter 1, “Understanding Adapters”
Describes adapters, events, attributes, adapter architecture, and adapter files.
v The following chapters provide information about how to configure and use
each adapter:
– Chapter 2, “AS/400 Alert Adapter”
– Chapter 3, “AS/400 Message Adapter”
– Chapter 4, “NetWare Log File Adapter”
– Chapter 5, “OpenView Adapter”
– Chapter 6, “OS/2 Adapter”
– Chapter 7, “SNMP Adapter”
– Chapter 9, “UNIX Log File Adapter”
– Chapter 10, “Windows Event Log Adapter”
– Chapter 11, “Windows NT Event Log Adapter”
v Chapter 8, “IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Gateways”
Provides information about how to configure the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console
v Appendix A, “Files Shipped with Adapters”
Lists significant files shipped with and used by each adapter.
v Appendix B, “Format File Reference”
Contains details about format files, including organization, syntax, and how to
modify them.
v Appendix C, “Class Definition Statement File Reference”
Contains details about class definition statement files, including organization,
syntax, and how to modify them.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2002 vii