Viewer Connection Options
The viewer connection option interface presents several options that can be combined in
various ways to optimize your viewer connection. In the Connection Details window, click
“Options” (represented by the top two
screen images at right for Win32; by the
bottom two images for Java).
Compression (Encoding)
Slow Internet: Video quality is optimized for
viewer connection with slower Internet
Fast Internet: Video
quality is optimized
for connection
with better Internet
LAN: High video quality
for connection
over the LAN.
No Compression: Best
video quality with
no compression.
Local Cursor Shape
No Cursor: The local
cursor is invisible
on the viewer.
Dot: A dot shape is
used for the local
viewer cursor.
Normal: An arrow
shape is used for the local
viewer cursor.
Shared Session: Multiple users
access the same server
View Only (inputs ignored):
Keyboard and mouse inputs
are ignored (but not restricting
keyboard and mouse access
for other users).
Restrict pixels to 8-bit (for slow networks): Color is reduced to 256 colors for slow connection.
Scale by x/y (server/viewer): Scale the display output on the viewer (but not affecting the actual
transmission bandwidth).