
Local Time
Enter the correct date (dd-mm-yyyy) and time (hh:mm) here and click “Change Local Time” to
set the current system time on the switch.
Internet Time
If you check the option “Synchronize with an Internet Time Server (NTP),” the time setting will
be periodically synchronized to the time of the NTP server specied on each restart of the
switch and every hour. NTP Server1 is the server the switch will rst try to synchronize with;
NTP Server2 is the backup time server, which the switch will synchronize with when the rst
time server is not available. Just enter the domain name of the time server and click “Store
Settings” to save, then click “Apply Settings”/“Restart Servers” to validate all the modications
you have made for time settings. NOTE: If you choose this option, the original local date and
time settings you manually entered will be refreshed with the time provided bythe Internet time
server. There are many Internet time servers available: Search the Internet for those nearest
your switch installation, as a time server nearer to you will reduce time latency in synchronization.
Main: Security
This screen lets you to congure and implement security-related settings of your switch, such
as uploading your certicates for the server side, selecting the security level of the viewer
connections, and establishing the password policy for the viewer and browser connections.
After you have made all modications, click “Store Settings” to save your settings, then click
“Apply Settings”/”Restart Servers” to validate these new settings. NOTE: No change made on
this screen will take effect until you click “Apply Settings”/“Restart Servers.”