NumLock Test Alarm (Frozen Keyboard)
The NumLock test sends a NumLock signal to the computer, to which the computer normally
returns an immediate response so that the NumLock LED indicator on the keyboard will be lit
to indicate the success of the test. The failure of a NumLock test indicates, at the least, a
keyboard failure to respond to this NumLock signal; otherwise, it could indicate a bigger problem
(such as system failure) or simply a powered-off state. If you want the switch to respond to
this alarm-triggering event, select “Enable Alarm” and which action or actions you want as a
response: restart the computer, send an e-mail or send an SNMP trap.
Maintenance: Software Version
This screen displays the current resident software version information.
Maintenance: Software Upgrade
This screen allows you to browse to the path location of the software upgrade le and upload
the le to the switch across the LAN or Internet. NOTE: The switch upgrade le must have a
name starting with “tkip101” followed by the date, such as tkip101-yy-mm-dd.
The upgrade le is of an accumulative nature, which means that normally you need only apply
the single latest upgrade patch to keep your switch up to date. When you receive the upgrade
le, you must rst copy it to a local computer, then use the switch’s Web Management interface
to perform the update across your LAN or the Internet.
To perform a software upgrade, click “Browse” to browse to the location of the update le,
then click “Upload.” A running progress indicator bar indicates the ongoing upload process.
Depending on the upgrade le size and the bandwidth availability across the network, the
le upload time can vary from one to 20 minutes. When the upload process is complete, the
switch will reboot by itself. Once the reboot is completed, the switch should work right away.