Konica Minolta 5550/5570 Printer User Manual

Viewing Printer Status166
Edge Enhancement
Graphics Printing)
Shows the settings for whether or not
edges are emphasized in images, text
and graphics.
Edge Strength Shows the setting for the amount that
edges are emphasized.
Economy Print Mode Shows the setting for whether or not
Economy Print Mode is enabled. When
Economy Print Mode is enabled, the
amount of toner used is reduced when
printing many drawings.
Glossy Mode Shows the setting for whether or not
Glossy Mode is enabled. When Glossy
Mode is enabled, pages can be printed
with a glossy finish.
Contrast Indicates the contrast of the image.
Printing (Source)
Identifies the color space for RGB data.
Printing (Intent)
Indicates the color intent to be used on
conversion RGB to CMYK by printer.
Printing (Gray
Indicates the method to reproduce RGB
black and gray.
PS Settings Image/Text/Graphics
Printing (RGB
Identifies the color space for RGB data.
Printing (RGB Intent)
Indicates the color intent to be used on
conversion RGB to CMYK by printer.
Printing (RGB Gray
Indicates the method to reproduce RGB
black and gray.
Printing (Destination
Indicates the ICC destination profile to be
used for printed output.
Simulation (Profile) Indicates the specific ICC simulation pro-
file to be used for printed output.
Simulation (Intent) Indicates the simulation intent to be used
for simulation printing.
Simulation (CMYK
Gray Treatment)
Indicates the method to reproduce CMYK
black and gray for simulation printing.
Item Description