Selecting the Printer in the Chooser
The printer setup dialog box appears.
" For operating systems other than those in English, select the
printer indicated below, according to the language of the operating
- Czechoslovakian: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS cs
- German: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS de
- Spanish: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS es
- French: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS fr
- Italian: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS it
- Japanese: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS ja
- Korean: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS ko
- Portuguese: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS pt_BR
- Simplified Chinese: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS zh_CN
- Traditional Chinese: KONICA MINOLTA mc5570(5550)PS
7 Select the options that are installed, and then click OK.
The KONICA MINOLTA magicolor5570(5550) icon appears on the desk-
" In the Classic environment, no icon appears on the desktop.