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4.2.5 Administration Configuration
Configure the following options.
• Change Username
• Change Password
• Device Information (name, description, location, content)
• IP Configuration (IP address, Mask, Gateway)
4.2.6 Port Mirroring Configuration
The Port Sniffer is used to monitor traffic in a switched network. Traffic passed
through ports can be monitored by one specific port. i.e. Traffic inbound or outbound
on a monitored port will be duplicated into the configured sniffer port
1. Sniffer Mode: Press Space key to set sniffer mode Disable, Rx, Tx or Both.
2. Monitoring Port (Analysis Port): Use this option to select the destination port for
monitored traffic. This is the port that your network analyser would be connected
3. Monitored Port: Based on the Sniffer Mode selection made previously, traffic
from the selected port will be mirrored onto the Analysis port. A maximum of 25
monitored ports can be configured. Press Space key to choose member port, “V”
– is the member, “-“ = not a member.