February 1999 Software Use Agreement
Lucent Technologies Inc. 3-7
USS-720 Driver Software (Object Code) License Agreement (continued)
LUCENT DEVICE means the LUCENT USS720 device.
LICENSEE means a customer of Lucent’s USS720 device using the LICENSED SOFTWARE.
LICENSED SOFTWARE means all or any portion of the software files in object-code form, other information and
documentation specifically listed in the attached “Schedule for LUCENT USS720 Driver Software and any updates
that may be furnished to LICENSEE.”
SYSTEM means any system manufactured by LICENSEE incorporating one or more LUCENT DEVICES.
Schedule for LUCENT USS720 Driver Software (Object Code)
1. Software Files
The following software files will be furnished in object-code form on 3.5” Floppy Disk or by electronic mail:
1. Class Installer, USS720CI.DLL;
2. USB WDM device driver, USS720.SYS;
3. Port monitor installer, USS720IN.DLL;
4. Port monitor, USS720MN.DLL;
5. Install file, USS720.INF;
2. Documentation
One copy of the following document(s) will be furnished:
1. USS720 USB Device Driver
2. USS720 USB Port Monitor