Preliminary User Guide, Rev. 2 USS-720
February 1999 USB Device Driver
Lucent Technologies Inc. 7-9
4 I/O Control Codes
This section provides information for the I/O control codes used in the DeviceIoControl file function (see
Section 3.4). These control codes are used in the DeviceIoControl function to perform any of the following device-
specific operations.
Note: Refer to the header file <USS720io.h> included on the USS-720 Evaluation Kit diskette for details regarding
these control codes definitions. Please note that this file may be subject to periodic modifications. To obtain
more information about these control codes, contact In-System Design.
Control Code Description
IOCTL_1284_ ECP_FWDTOREV Negotiates the peripheral from forward idle to reverse while in
ECP register mode.
IOCTL_1284_ECP_REVTOFWD Negotiates the peripheral from reverse to forward idle while in
ECP register mode.
IOCTL_1284_ ECP_SET_CHANNEL Sets the ECP channel on the peripheral for reads and writes.
IOCTL_1284_ SET_MODE Negotiates the peripheral into one of the valid register modes.
IOCTL_1284_ TERMINATE Performs a standard 1284 termination sequence.
IOCTL_ABORT_PIPE Cancels any pending transfers for the specified pipe. The pipe
state and endpoint state are unaffected.
IOCTL_CANCEL_PIPE_REQUEST Cancels the current request on the specified pipe by flushing
the pipe and canceling any outstanding requests on that pipe.
IOCTL_GET_ALTSETTING Retrieves the current alternate interface setting from the USS-
720 device.
IOCTL _GET_CAPABILITIES Returns a variable buffer length containing the device capabil-
ities string. This is a
1284 compatible string.
IOCTL_GET_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR Retrieves the current configuration descriptor.
IOCTL_GET_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR Receives the current device descriptor.
IOCTL_GET_DEVICE_INSTANCES Returns a list of current devices based on the symbolic links
created during each device enumeration.
IOCTL_GET_INTERFACE Gets the information about the current interface and pipes.
IOCTL _GET_PORT_STATUS Returns a status byte.
IOCTL_ISSUE_USS720_COMMAND Issues a specific command for the USS-720 device.
IOCTL _GET_1284_REGISTER Returns all 1284 registers.
IOCTL_READ_INTERRUPT_PIPE Reports changes in the parallel port and buffer status when
they occur.
IOCTL_RESET_PIPE Clears the halted state of the specified pipe within the USB
stack and resets the stalled state of the endpoint on the
IOCTL _SET_1284_REGISTER Sets one of the 1284 registers.
IOCTL _SET_ALTSETTING Sets the alternate interface setting.
IOCTL _SOFT_RESET Resets the device, flushes the Bulk Out and Bulk In pipes to
the default states.