Marathon MAGNUM ROUTER Network Router User Manual

Chapter 6: Logging Onto a Magnum Router
Login Messages
After selecting the desired login method, select connect by either clicking on Connect, or
pressing ALT-C. If Modem was selected, the dialing directory will appear (see above), but if
any other method was selected, the status screen will be displayed.
This screen is for informational purposes, just to show the status of the login process.
Once the basic login process has completed, the following question will be asked:
Get Configuration
After a successful login, the Magnum Router Manager will inquire about getting the current
configuration from the Magnum Router that has just been logged into. If this is new installation,
click N
o. If the configuration of the connected Magnum Router requires viewing or modification,
then select Y
If Y
es was selected, the following screen will appear, reporting that the manager is getting the
connected Magnum Router’s stored configuration.