Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
Ethernet Config Button
Select this button to program IP addresses on the Ethernet port of the Magnum Router.
This can be accessed by pressing ALT-E, and is also available as Ethernet Configuration from
the Settings menu.
From the Magnum Router Manager main screen, click on the Ethernet Config button, press
ALT-E, or select Ethernet Configuration from the S
ettings menu to display the Ethernet
Configuration screen.
Add a NEW Ethernet entry into the Configuration
Delete an entry from the configuration
Save any changes to the Magnum Router Manager
Exit this screen to the Main Screen
IP Address and subnet
mask for this entry
regarding this entry
Enter MVoIP Information
Figure 21 - Ethernet Configuration Screen
It is possible to have 1 primary IP address and up to 253 additional IP addresses
on the E1 port.