
Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
Deleting a WAN Configuration Entry
In some cases, a WAN entry may need to be deleted. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Select an entry in the table.
2. Either click the D
elete Entry button or press ALT-D.
3. A verification question is asked to make sure that this is the entry to delete, if it is, select
es. Selecting No will return to the WAN Configuration screen.
Repeat for each entry that is to be deleted.
Once all of the WAN entries have been completed, click on the Sav
e button or press ALT-V.
Other WAN Config Buttons
There are 2 other options in the WAN Configuration screen; these are the Master WAN-IP
Address and the WAN-IP Route Map. These are covered in the following pages.