Marathon MAGNUM ROUTER Network Router User Manual

Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
Master WAN-IP Address
The Master WAN-IP address screen is only available via the WAN Configuration screen.
The Magnum Router is a Frame Relay switch and IP router combined into a single product. The
Master WAN-IP address screen allows users to configure a single WAN interface or multiple
WAN sub-interfaces by mapping and assigning a unique IP network number to specific DLCI’s.
Add a NEW WAN entry
into the configuration
Delete a WAN entry
from the configuration
Save any changes to the
Magnum Router
Exit this screen to the
Main Screen
IP Address to assign to
the WAN Port
Subnet Mask of the IP
DLCI Number assigned
to the IP address
Add documentation
notes for each entry
Figure 18 - Master WAN IP Address Screen
It is possible to have 1 primary and up to 253 additional IP addresses in the Maste
WAN-IP table.