Chapter 7: Magnum Router GUI Manager
Adding an Ethernet IP Entry
To add an entry in the Ethernet IP screen, perform the following steps:
1. Click N
ew Entry or press ALT-N
2. Enter data in the IP Address and Subnet Mask fields
3. Click Sav
e Edit or press ALT-V
4. Click Ex
it Edit or press ALT-X
Changing an Ethernet IP Entry
It is possible to change an entry after it has been entered into the table. Follow these steps to
change an entry:
1. Double-Click on the entry that needs modification in the table
This will cause all of the entry data to be loaded in the fields above the table.
2. Make any modifications required
3. Click on Sav
e Edit or press ALT-V
4. Clock on Ex
it Edit or press ALT-X
If this entry was selected by mistake and is not the one that needed modification, just click on
the E
it Edit or press ALT-X.
Deleting an Ethernet IP Entry
In some cases, an entry may need to be deleted. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Select an entry in the table.
2. Either click the D
elete Entry button or press ALT-D.
3. A verification question is asked to make sure that this is the entry to delete, if it
is, select Y
es. Selecting No will return to the Ethernet IP address screen.
Repeat for each entry that is to be deleted.