5-108 Maxtor Atlas 10K V
Table 5-153 Translate Address Page-Data Format
Note: 1. Bytes 6 through 13: One set of these bytes is required for each
sector per Logical Block Address.
Table 5-154 Translate Address Page-Field Descriptions
765 4 3210
0 Operation Code (40h)
1 Reserved
2 - 3 Page Length (2 + (8 x n))
(where n = number of sectors / LBA)
4 Reserved Supplied Format =
000b (LBA)
Reserved Translate Format =
101b (Physical Sector)
6 - 8
Translated Address (Cylinder Number)
Translated Address (Head Number)
10 - 13
Translated Address (Sector Number or Bytes From Index)
y -
y + 2
Translated Address (Cylinder Number)
Where y = ((n-1) x 8) + 6
y + 3 Translated Address (Head Number)
y + 4
y + 7
Translated Address (Sector Number or Bytes From Index)
Field Description
Supplied Format
The Supplied Format field specifies the format of the following Translate Address field. Must be
000b, which specifies the LBA format.
RAREA Reserved Area is not used. Must be 0.
An Alternate Sector bit of 1 indicates that the translated address from the SEND DIAGNOSTIC
command is physically located in an alternate sector on the disk.
When ALTSEC is 0, it indicates either that no part of the translated address is located in an alter-
nate sector of the medium or that the drive is unable to determine this information.
An Alternate Track bit of 1 indicates either that part or all of the translated address is located on
an alternate track of the medium or, the drive cannot determine if all or part of the translated ad-
dress is located on an alternate track.
When ALTTRK is 0, it indicates that no part of the translated address is located on an alternate
track of the medium
Translate Format
The Translate Format field specifies the format into which the initiator wants the address translat-
ed. The value must be 101b, specifying the Physical Sector format.