stop and then the hard drive will spin down, etc. In this mode the
computer system consumes very little power at all, typically below
To restart the system, press the violet ‘Standby’ button on the facia.
As the monitor is in a controlled ‘off’ state, it may take a moment or
two to fully return to normal.
‘Standby’ can also be initiated or restored by means of the standby
button on the Remote control. (Details of the remote control are
given in a comprehensive help file in Windows). From the main unit
the standby state can also be entered manually by pressing the violet
standby button on the front bezel at any time.
If you have a modem or network card fitted, there is no cause for
concern, as an incoming call or an E-Mail message will trigger the
correct parts of the system to full operation by their arrival, even if
the system is unattended, the monitor may even stay blank. The
system could then return to ‘Standby’.
There is a ‘message’ light on the front of the system that will be
flashing if a message has arrived while you were away.
All the Energy Saving features and activities can be enabled or
disabled as needed. Greater detail is to be found in the ‘Apricot
Power Management’, application and its HELP, in Windows 95.
(This also gives more details of the requirements of the Energy Star
Energy Saving uses features in the Apricot software built into Windows 95,
supplied with the system. It will not be fully compliant if another operating
system (e.g. UNIX) is subsequently installed, although there are some default
EPA compliant settings available in the BIOS.
Installing other software
With a CD-ROM drive in your system it may be a good idea to
purchase all software in that format if possible. It can often be
cheaper and of course CDs are easier to store, being far less bulky.