Mitsubishi Electronics WD8700U Projector User Manual

7. Adjust the position of the projector to keep an appropriate projection distance with which images are projected in
their specified sizes.
8. Adjust the position of the projector so that the projector and the screen are perpendicular to each other. (See page
• Whentheprojectorcannotbepositionedperpendicularlytothescreen,adjusttheprojectionangle.(Seepage
9. Press the ZOOM/FOCUS button to display the ZOOM/FOCUS menu.
10. Adjust with the or button to get an approximate size.
When the ENTER button is pressed while the ZOOM/FOCUS menu is displayed, the adjustment mode is
switched between FAST and STEP. When FAST is selected, the speed of zoom controlled by the or
button becomes fast, and it becomes slow when STEP is selected.
11. Press the LENS SHIFT button. The LENS SHIFT menu appears at the center of the screen.
12. Press the or button to adjust the vertical position and or button to adjust the horizontal position of the
displayed image.
• Whentheimageisnotdisplayedwithinthescreen,adjusttheprojectionangle.Inaddition,performthe
keystone adjustment, if necessary. (See page 14.)
Repeat steps 4, 5 and 9 to 12, if necessary.
• Focus,zoomandlensshiftadjustmentispossibleinthenormalpicturemodeonly.
To stop projecting:
13. Press the POWER button.
• Aconrmationmessageisdisplayed.
• Tocanceltheprocedure,leavetheprojectorforawhileorpressanybuttonexceptthePOWERbutton.
14. Press the POWER button again.
• Thelampgoesoutandtheprojectorgoesintoastandbymode.Inthisstandbymode,theLAMPindicator
blinks green.
15. Wait about 2 minutes for the LAMP indicator to be turned off.
• Duringthisperiodof2minutesinthestandbymode,theintakefanandexhaustfanrotatetocoolthelamp.
• Theairoutletfansrotatefasterasthetemperaturearoundtheprojectorrises.
• Thoughthefansmakeloudsoundsduringcooling,suchsymptomisnotamalfunction.
16. Unplug the power cord from the outlet.
• ThePOWERindicatorwillgoout.
• Ifthepowercordshouldbeunpluggedaccidentallywhileeithertheairinletfanortheairoutletfansare
operating or the lamp is on, allow the projector to cool down for 10 minutes with the power off. To light the
lamp again, press the POWER button. If the lamp doesn’t light up immediately, press the POWER button a few
minutes later. If it should still fail to light up, replace the lamp.
• Coverthelenswiththelenscaptoprotectitfromdust.
Direct Power OFF
You can turn off this projector just by unplugging the power cord without pressing the POWER button.
• Don’tshutdowntheprojectorwhiletheLAMPindicatorisblinkingafterthelamplightsupbecausethelamp’slife
may be shortened.
• Don’tturntheprojectorbackonrightaftershuttingitdownbecausethelamp’slifemaybeshortened.(Waitabout
10 minutes before turning the projector back on.)
• Beforeshuttingdowntheprojector,besuretoclosethemenuscreen.Ifyoushutdowntheprojectorwithout
closing the menu, the setting data of the menu may not be saved.
• Ifyoushutdowntheprojectorwhilecontrollingtheprojectorusingthenetworkfunction,theapplicationsoftware
such as ProjectorView may fail. The data such as the operating time and temperature display may not be
changed. In such a case, close the browser and then start up again.
• Don’tshutdowntheprojectorwhilethelterisrolling(whiletheFILTERindicatorisblinkinggreen).
Setting the aspect ratio
You can change the aspect ratio of the input video signal (or the ratio of width to height of the image). Change the
setting according to the type of the input video signal. (See page 24.)
Viewing video images (continued)