Mitsubishi Electronics WD8700U Projector User Manual

ASPECT NORMAL Input video signal is displayed at the max height (800 pixels) or max width
(1280 pixels) of the panel while its aspect ratio is maintained.
• When SCREEN is 16:9, the input video signal is displayed at the max
height (720 pixels) or max width (1280 pixels) of the panel.
• When SCREEN is 4:3, the input video signal is displayed at the max
height (800 pixels) or max width (1066 pixels) of the panel.
16:9 Regardless of the type of input signal, image is displayed at 16:9 aspect ratio.
Select to expand squeezed (or horizontally compressed) images such as DVD
images to 16:9.
NATIVE Input video signal is displayed at its original pixel size.
FULL Select to project images in full size (1280 x 800 pixels) irrespective of type of
input signal.
• WhenSCREENis16:9,imagesaredisplayedat1280x720pixels.
• WhenSCREENis4:3,imagesaredisplayedat1066x800pixels.
USER Displays the detailed settings. (See page 45.)
USER ENTER The USER menu is displayed for the following adjustments.
CLAMP POSITION 1-255 Use to correct solid white or solid black in the projected image.
CLAMP WIDTH 1-63 Use to correct solid black in the projected image.
VERT. SYNC. AUTO / OFF Use to adjust the image when its motion doesn’t run smoothly. Select AUTO
for normal use.
LPF ON / OFF Use to select whether or not to enable the LPF. (See page 48.)
SHUTTER(U) 0-142 Use to adjust the image when noise appears on the top part of the image.
SHUTTER(L) 0-142 Use to adjust the image when noise appears on the bottom part of the image.
SHUTTER(LS) 0-192 Use to adjust the image when noise appears on the left half of the image.
SHUTTER(RS) 0-192 Use to adjust the image when noise appears on the right half of the image.
• Thoughhorizontalstripsmayappearontheenlargedprojectedimage,suchsymptomisnotamalfunction.
• Whenyouchangethehorizontalorverticalpositiontoalargeextent,noisemayappear.
• Theadjustablerangeoftheverticalpositionvariesdependingonthetypeoftheinputsignal.Thoughtheimagemaystayinthe
same position even when the setting value is changed, such symptom is not a malfunction.
• WhenyouincreasethesettingvalueofOVERSCAN,noisemayappearonthescreen.
• When16:9isselectedbySCREEN,youcannotsetASPECTto16:9.
• ASPECT-USERsettingsupportstheCOMPUTER1,COMPUTER2,DVI,andHDMIterminalsonly.Therefore,youcannotselect
USER for other terminals.
• Seepages47and48forthedetailedsettingprocedure.
• YoucansettheIMAGEmenuandtheSIGNALmenuonlywhenthesignalissupplied.
Menu operation (continued)