Mitsubishi Electronics WD8700U Projector User Manual

Before asking for repair of the projector, check the following. If the symptom persists, stop using the projector, be
sure to unplug the power plug, and then contact your dealer.
No image appears on the screen.
Problem Solution
Power can not be
turned on.
• Checkwhethertheindicatorsareonoroffandhowtheyarelightning.
Off Off Off Off Off
• Connectthepowercordtotheprojector.
• Plugthepowercordintoawalloutlet.
Steady red
Off Off Off Off
• Ifanyobjectsareblockingtheintakeorexhaust
vents, remove them and carry out the following.
Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.1.
Make sure that the projector has cooled off. 2.
Plug the power cord into a wall outlet.3.
Press the POWER button.4.
Off Off
• Ifanyobjectsareblockingtheintakeorexhaust
vents, remove them.
• Don’texposetheexhaustventstohotairemitted
from a heating appliance.
• Checkwhetherthelterisdirtyornot.
Clean the filter. (See page 68.)
Blinking green* Off Off
• WaituntiltheLAMPindicatorsstopblinkinggreen
and then press the POWER button.
• Ifyouunplugthepowercordwhilethefanisrotating,the
lamp may not turn on about 2 minutes when you plug the
power cord next time.
The lamp can’t turn on again for 2 minutes after it goes out.
• PressthePOWERbuttonseveraltimes.
Steady red*
Off Off
• Replacethelightsourcelampindicatedbythe
illuminating indicator. (The time for replacing the light
source lamp has come.)
Off Off
Off Off
• Attachthelampcover,ltercover,andcolorwheel
replacement cover.
• Unplugthepowercordfromthewalloutletand
contact your dealer.
*: Status of either or both of the indicators.
No image appears on
the screen.
• PresstheBLANKbuttontocancelBLANK.
• Checkthatthelenscapisremoved.
• Itmaytakeabout2minutesforthelamptolightup.
• Thelampfailstolightuponrareoccasions.Insuchacase,waitforafewminutes
and then try again.
• Iftheprojectorwasturnedoffbeforethelampwascooleddownsufcientlylasttime,
the fan may start rotating and the POWER button may not work after the power cord
is plugged. After the fan stops rotating, press the POWER button to turn back on the
POWER indicator.
• SetSCARTINPUTintheFEATUREmenutoOFF.(Seepage37.)
• Checkthattheintakeventisclean.
• Checkthatthecablesconnectedtotheexternaldevicesarenotbroken.
When an extension cable is being used, replace it with the supplied cable for check.
When images are displayed correctly, add an RGB signal amplifier to the extension cable.
Power turns off. • Thisproblemmayoccurwhentheintakeventand/orexhaustventsareblocked.(In
such a case, the STATUS indicator brinks orange.)
Remove the objects blocking the intake vent and/or exhaust vents and then carry
out the following procedure.
1. Wait for the intake fan and/or exhaust fan to stop. (Wait until the STATUS indicator
goes out.)
2. Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet.
3. Wait about 10 minutes.
4. Plug the power cord into a wall outlet.
5. Press the POWER button.
• WhentheLAMPindicatorissteadyred,itisindicatingthatthelampshouldbe
replaced. Replace the lamp that is being indicated by the indicator.
• CheckthatAUTOPOWEROFFhasbeensettoOFF.
• Ifthelamphasdeteriorated,itmaygooutafterawhileitilluminates.