Software Installation
# make clean; make install
7. Reboot
Static driver configuration
(for Linux kernel 2.0.3x, and 2.2.14 or earlier)
1. Create link
# cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char
# ln -s /moxa/mxser/driver/mxser.c mxser.c
2. Modify tty_io.c
# cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char/
# vi tty_io.c
Find pty_init(), insert "mxser_init()" as
3. Modify tty.h
# cd /usr/src/linux/include/linux
# vi tty.h
Find extern int tty_init(void), insert "mxser_init()" as
extern int tty_init(void);
extern int mxser_init(void);
4. Modify Makefile
# cd /usr/src/linux/drivers/char
# vi Makefile
Find L_OBJS := tty_io.o ...... random.o, add
"mxser.o" at last of this line as
L_OBJS := tty_io.o ....... mxser.o
5. Rebuild the kernel
The following instructions explain how to rebuild the Linux kernel, and are included
here for your reference (For more details, refer to the Linux documentation in directory
cd /usr/src/linux).
make clean /* takes a few minutes */
make dep /* takes a few minutes */
make bzImage /* takes about 10-20 minutes */
Make sure the boot kernel (vmlinuz) is in the correct position.
Industio CP-134U Series User’s Manual