Correcting Error Conditions
B-6 Error Messages
Correcting Error Conditions
As a general rule, if an error message says “Press F1 to continue,” it is caused
by a configuration problem, which can be easily corrected. An equipment
malfunction is more likely to cause a fatal error, that is, an error that causes
complete system failure.
Here are some corrective measures for error conditions:
1. Run Setup. You must know the correct configuration values for your
system before you enter Setup. Always write them down when the system
is correctly configured.
Note: An incorrect configuration is a major cause of power-on error
messages, especially for a new system.
2. Remove the system cover. Check that the jumpers on the system board
and any expansion boards are set correctly.
3. If you cannot access a new disk, it may be because your disk is not
properly formatted. Format the disk first using the FDISK and FORMAT
4. Check that all connectors and boards are securely plugged in.
If you go through the corrective steps above and still receive an error message,
the cause may be an equipment malfunction.
If you are sure that your configuration values are correct and your battery is
in good condition, the problem may lie in a damaged or defective chip.
In either case, contact an authorized service center for assistance.