NCR Support Phone Numbers
NCR S26 Hot Plug Server User Guide E-9
Other Areas Support
The table below contains a list of support telephone numbers for specific
Table E-1. Support Telephone Numbers for Specific Countries
Country Toll-free number Toll number
Australia 131 447 612 9935 3983
Austria 06-605722 31-35-687-6018
Belgium-FRA 0800-71252 31-35-687-6008
Belgium-NED 0800-71253 31-35-687-6007
Cyprus 080-92252 31-35-687-6019
Denmark 800-18422 31-35-687-6002
Dubai N/A 31-35-687-6032
Egypt N/A 31-35-687-6033
Finland TBD 31-35-687-6022
France 05-917938 31-35-687-6004
Germany 0130-815252 31-35-687-6003
Greece 00800-311252 31-35-687-6024
Hong Kong 800-3353 N/A
India N/A *61 2 935 3992
Indonesia 001 800 61 850 N/A
Ireland 1-800-553110 31-35-687-6025
Israel 177-3103708 31-35-687-6011
Korea 0078 61 1 0483 N/A
Lebanon N/A 31-35-687-6034
Luxembourg-FR 0800-2998 31-35-687-6016
Luxembourg-GE 0800-5242 31-35-687-6015
Malaysia 800 5067 N/A