Management Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
username name nopassword
Use this command to remove an existing user’s password (NULL password).
username name nopassword [Level Level]
username <username> unlock
Use this command to unlock a user’s account. Only a user with read/write access can
reactivate a locked user account.
Format username <username> unlock
username snmpv3 accessmode
Use this command to specify the snmpv3 access privileges for the specified login user. The
valid accessmode values are readonly or readwrite. The <username> is the login user
name for which the specified access mode applies. The default is readwrite for the
“admin” user and readonly for all other users. You must enter the <username> in the
same case you used when you added the user. To see the case of the <username>, enter
the show users command.
• admin - readwrite
• other - readonly
Format username snmpv3 accessmode <username> {readonly | readwrite}
no username snmpv3 accessmode
Use this command to set the snmpv3 access privileges for the specified user as readwrite
for the “admin” user and readonly for all other users.
The <username> value is the user
name for which the specified access mode will apply.
Format no username snmpv3 accessmode <username>
Global Config
Parameter Description
name The name of the user. Range: 1-32 characters.
password The authentication password for the user. Range 8-64 characters.
level The user level. Level 0 can be assigned by a level 15 user to another user to suspend
that user's access. Range 0-15.
Global Config
Global Config
Global Config