2 Instructions
CP1E CPU Unit Instructions Reference Manual(W483)
• TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) can time up to 115 days for TIML(542) and 4,971 days for TIMLX(553).
• The timer accuracy is 0 to 0.01 s.
• Unlike most timers, TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) does not use a timer number. (Timer area PV refreshing
is not performed for TIML(542)/TIMLX(553).)
• Since the Completion Flag for TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) is in a data area it can be forced set or forced
reset like other bits, but the PV will not change.
• The timer’s PV is refreshed only when TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) is executed, so the timer will not oper-
ate properly when the cycle time exceeds 100 ms because the timer increments in 100-ms units.
• The timer’s Completion Flag is refreshed only when TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) is executed, so a delay of
up to one cycle may be required for the Completion Flag to be turned ON after the timer times out.
• When TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) is in a program section between IL(002) and ILC(003) and the program
section is interlocked, the PV will be reset to the SV and the Completion Flag will be turned OFF.
• When an operating TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) timer is in a program section between JMP(004) and
JME(005) and the program section is jumped, the PV will retain its previous value. Be sure to take
this fact into account when TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) is programmed between JMP(004) and JME(005).
• Be sure that the words specified for the Completion Flag and PV (D1, D2, and D2+1) are not used in
other instructions. If these words are affected by other instructions, the timer might not time out
• When the timer input is OFF, the timer is
reset, i.e., the timer’s PV is reset to the SV
and its Completion Flag is turned OFF.
• When the timer input goes from OFF to ON,
TIML(542)/TIMLX(553) starts decrementing
the PV in D2+1 and D2. The PV will con-
tinue timing down as long as the timer input
remains ON and the timer’s Completion
Flag will be turned ON when the PV
reaches 0.
• The status of the timer’s PV and Comple-
tion Flag will be maintained after the timer
times out. To restart the timer, the timer
input must be turned OFF and then ON
again or the timer’s PV must be changed to
a non-zero value (by MOV(021), for exam-
Timer input
Timer PV
Completion Flag
(Bit 00 of D1)