Chapter 7 Program Destinations / Program Keys
Adding an Email Address to Address Book
To add an Email Address to the address book, follow the steps below:
zFor instructions on how to edit the station in the address book, refer to Editing Address Book (see page 173).
zFor instructions on how to delete the station from the address book, refer to Deleting a Destination from
Address Book (see page 174).
Press the Function key.
Select “Fax/Email Settings”.
Select “00 Address Book”.
Select “02 Add Email Address”.
Enter an Email Address, and select
For instructions on how to enter Email
Addresses, refer to
Entering an Email
Address (see page 108)
zEnter an Email Address up to 60 characters.
zFor instructions on using the onscreen
keyboard, refer to Before Starting in the
Operating Instructions (For Function
Parameters) on the provided CD-ROM.
Enter a station name, and then select
zEnter a station name up to 15 characters.
zFor instructions on using the onscreen
keyboard, refer to Before Starting in the
Operating Instructions (For Function
Parameters) on the provided CD-ROM.
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