Planet Technology IDL-2400 Network Card User Manual

183 Get bridge port intf
Use this command to get.
Command Syntax:
get bridge port intf [portid <portid-val>] Modify bridge port intf
Use this command to modify.
Command Syntax:
modify bridge port intf portid <portid-val> [ maxucast <maxucast-val> ]
[ learning enable | disable ] [ status enable | disable ] [ stickystatus enable |
disable ] [ fdbmodify enable | disable ] [ aclglbdenyapply Enable | Disable ]
[ aclglbtrackapply Enable | Disable ] [ proxyarpstatus enable | disable ]
[ arptstatus Enable | Disable ] [ darpstatus Enable | Disable ] [ porttype trusted |
untrusted ]
Name Description
portid <portid-val>
The bridge port id
Type: Modify Mandatory
Get Optional
Valid values: 1 - 578
Interface name associated with the Port,
Type: mandatory,
Values: eth-*, eoa-*, pppoe-*, ipoe-*, vir-*
This specifies the maximum number of unicast addresses, which can be
learnt from this port. This is modifiable when the admin status of bridge
port is disabled. Max of number of unicast entries that can be
learnt/configured on a birdge port on CPE side is 128. The default value
for number of unicast entries that can be learnt or configured on a CPE
side bridge port is 16. Max of number of unicast entries that can be
learnt/configured on a birdge port on NET side is 4096. The default value
for number of unicast entries that can be learnt or configured on a bridge
port is 4096. Max of number of unicast entries that can be
learnt/configured on a birdge port on downlink side is 256. The default
value for number of unicast entries that can be learnt or configured on a