Printronix L1024 Printer User Manual

Host I/O Interfaces
RS–422 Serial Interface Signals
The RS–422 serial interface signals are defined below.
Received Data (RxD) – Serial data stream from the host to the printer.
Transmitted Data (TxD) – Serial data stream from the printer to the host.
Subject to protocol selection.
RS–422 Serial Interface Configuration
The printer is configured for the RS–422 serial interface via the “Host Interface”
menu as described in Chapter 3, Configuring the Printer. The following interface
configuration parameters may be modified to meet specific application
Host Protocol None
Baud Rate 9600
Data Word Length 8 Data Bits
Stop Bits 1 Bit
Parity None
Data Terminal Ready Function On/Offline and Buffer
Request to Send Function On/Offline and Buffer
Data Terminal Ready Polarity Normal
Request To Send Polarity Normal
Buffer Size 8192 Bytes
Number of Buffers 2
FIFO Trigger 14 Bytes
Diagnostics None
NOTE: Only the factory default setting is shown above. Refer to the
Configuring the Printer chapter for additional options.
NOTE: The L1016 printer has an RS232/RS422 selector switch on the rear
I/O panel. When the switch is in the RS232 or RS422 position, the
L1016 connector is configured as shown in the appropriate column
of the previous table.