Printronix SL5000r MP Printer User Manual

Chapter 2 RFID PPI/ZGL Commands
//Write Tag with data = “87D0034567ABCDEF”
//(hex format).
//Read Tag into data element 1, 8–byte (16 characters)
//long (hex format).
//Print data in element 1.
//End and print label.
Example 2
Same as Example 1, except an alternative PPI/ZGL
syntax that does not require underscores between the
hex characters is used.
//Begin ZPL form.
//Write Tag with data = “87D0034567ABCDEF”
//(hex format).
//Read Tag into data element 1, 8–byte (16 characters)
//long (hex format).
//Print data in element 1.
//End and print label.
Example 3
This example uses the ^RF command to write and read
the tag.
//Begin ZPL form.
//Write tag data 31323334 in hex.
//Print tag data in FN1.