Psion Teklogix netpad Win CE 4.1 User Manual 27
Chapter 2: Getting Started
Copying Information Between Programs
Some dialogues comprise a number of “pages”, each page has a “tab” at the top. Tap
on the tab, or move the highlight to the tab name, to go to that page. You can also
move a dialogue around the screen by holding the stylus on the dialogue title bar and
dragging it across the screen. Dialogue Buttons
Dialogues usually include standard buttons such as Ok and X. Some buttons have a
standard keypress equivalent:
• Usually, you can tap the OK button or press the Enter key if you want to
save information and remove the dialogue.
• Tap the Cancel button, the X button, or press the Esc key if you want to
close the dialogue without saving the information.
• For dialogues that ask a question, you can tap the Ye s button or press the Y
key for ‘yes’; tap the No button, press the N key, or press the Esc key for ‘no’.
2.8.7 Copying Information Between Programs
You can insert information created in one program into a different program.
For example, you may want to compose text in Wordpad before copying it into
an e-mail message in the Inbox. If you try to insert an object into a program that is
not designed to handle that type of object, you will be unable to Paste. Trying to
copy a file from Windows Explorer into a Wordpad document will not work because
Wordpad will keep the Paste option greyed out until it detects that text is ready to
be pasted.
Tabs in dialogue page