Psion Teklogix netpad Win CE 4.1 User Manual 35
Chapter 4: Configuring The netpad
Things To Do First
4.1 Things To Do First
This section describes what you may need to do to set up your netpad:
• Customize the screen rotation of the netpad.
• Enter owner information in the Owner control panel, so that your netpad
can be returned if you lose it.
• Set a password for your machine, so that other people cannot access
your information.
• Set the current time and date.
4.1.1 Screen Rotation
Screen rotation on the netpad is accessed from the Rotate icon found on the
Windows taskbar. To rotate the screen, click on the Rotate icon. It will rotate the
screen in 90° increments.
Rotation is not fully supported by some programs. For instance, Windows Explorer
should be closed and re-opened after rotation, otherwise the scroll bars will not
redraw correctly.
In auto-hide mode, the taskbar may not be properly displayed after rotation. Menus
on icons in the system tray should not be activated before the screen is rotated.
Menus should be closed before rotation.
Warning: Some applications do not support screen rotation and rotating the
screen may cause some programs to become difficult to use.
Some programs, such as Control Panel, may not support rotation
at all.