Index-2 59021-08 B
SANbox2-16 Fibre Channel Switch
Installation Guide
restore default 5-15
save B-11
controls 2-2
credits 3-4, A-2
critical error 5-1
Date command B-13
cabling 4-17
description 3-1
performance 3-6
diagnostics 5-1, 5-10, A-2
dimensions A-3
disk space 4-1
distance 3-4
domain ID
description 3-7
display B-54
lock 3-7
donor port 3-4, B-54
E_Port 2-7, 5-7
emissions standards A-5
conditions 4-2
specifications A-4
connection 4-9
direct connection 4-8
indirect connection 4-8
port 2-8
event logging
by component B-43, B-69
by port B-44, B-70
by severity level B-69
display B-69
restore defaults B-44
save settings B-44
settings B-70
severity level B-44
start B-44
stop B-45
external test B-78
F_Port 2-7
aggregate bandwidth A-2
latency A-2
management 3-12, A-3
management switch 2-8
management workstation 4-1
point-to-point bandwidth A-2
ports 2-7
services 3-11
Fabric Device Management Interface B-54
factory defaults 5-15, B-25
Fallback command B-14
Fan Fail LED 2-4, 5-12
fans 2-10, 6-4
fatal error 5-2
fiber optic cable 3-1
Fibre Channel
ports 2-5
protocols A-1
field replaceable unit 6-1
File Transfer Protocol 4-20, 5-4
display versions 5-16
failure 5-2
image 5-16
image file B-19
install with CLI 4-19
install with FTP and CLI 4-20
install with SANbox Manager 4-19
list image files B-19
non-disruptive activation 4-18, B-18
pending 5-16, B-14
remove image files B-19
retrieve image file B-19
unpack image 5-15, B-19
version B-58
FL_Port 2-7
flash memory 2-3, 4-21