Chapter 8 Network capture functions
Description of capture editing window
Start Network Capture 5 and select the projector(s) on the projector list on the application window
and click Communication Start button. The application window will disappear and the capture editing
window will appear on the computer screen as below. For basic operation of each menu, refer to the
item "Menu tree" below.
Capture Image
Authority status
indication frame
Tool bar
Menu tree
Menu Submenu Operation
File Save Communication Saves a captured editing image as the data(JPEG)
Saves dialog window appears
Terminate Communication
* main pc only
Quits the communication mode
End Editing
* sub pc only
Closes the Editing window
Control Capture transfer
Captures a screen image and sends it to the projector
Acquires/releases the authority to edit the capture image
Edit Tool Pencil Selects a pencil tool
Eraser Selects an eraser tool
Letter frame Selects a letter frame tool
Form Free Draws line with freehand
(Shape) Straight line Draws straight line
Square Draws square
Oval Draws oval
Square(Painting out)
Draws filled square
Oval(Painting out) Draws filled oval
Attribute Appears a attribute window
Delete all Deletes all the drawings on the image
Undo Cancels the last executed operation
Display Full screen
Switches capture editing window, normal or full screen
Tool bar Standard Switches standard tool buttons on or off
Form(shape) Switches form(Shape) tool buttons on or off
Color Switches color tool buttons on r off
Attribute Switches attribute tool buttons on or off
Display on foreground Keeps capture editing window on foreground always
Help Version information Displays software version number