Chapter 1 Overview
BKM-14L Auto Setup Probe
This probe allows automatic adjustment of this
monitor’s color temperature.
For screen
BKM-33H20 Monitor 16:9 Mask
Adapts the BVM-20F1U/20F1E/20E1U/20E1E screen
for 16:9 aspect ratio display.
BKM-33H14 Monitor 16:9 Mask
Adapts the BVM-14F1U/14F1E/14E1U/14E1E/
14F5U/14F5E/14E5U/14E5E screen for 16:9 aspect
ratio display.
For installation
BKM-30E20 Rack Mount Kit
Rack mount kit for mounting the BVM-20F1U/20F1E/
20E1U/20E1E in an EIA standard 19-inch rack.
BKM-30E14 Rack Mount Kit
Rack mount kit for mounting the BVM-14F5U/14F5E/
14E5U/14E5E in an EIA standard 19-inch rack.
BKM-31E14 Rack Mount Kit
Rack mount kit for mounting the BVM-14F1U/14F1E/
14E1U/14E1E in an EIA standard 19-inch rack.
BKM-32H Monitor Control Unit Attachment Kit
Assembly kit for attaching a BKM-10R Monitor
Control Unit to the BVM-20F1U/20F1E/20E1U/
20E1E monitor.
Other features
•Compatible with the ISR (Interactive Status
Reporting) system.
•Has both RS-485 serial remote and relay contact
parallel remote control connectors.
•Built-in safe area display and test signal generator for
crosshatch, 100% white signal, 20% gray signal, gray
scale, and PLUGE (Picture Line Up Generating
•Built-in VITC (Vertical Interval Time Code) reader.
•Built-in Caption Vision.
• Pulse cross function for simultaneous checking of the
horizontal and vertical synchronization signals. VITS
(Vertical Interval Test Signal) checking is also
•Auto and manual degaussing.
•Built-in CRT protection circuit.
• The monitor may be mounted in an EIA-standard 19-
inch rack, using an optional BKM-30E20/30E14/
31E14 Rack Mount Kit.
•Controllable from the optional BKM-10R/11R
Monitor Control Unit. (For details about connection
and operation, refer to the BKM10R/11R Operation
For external control
BKM-10R Monitor Control Unit
External control unit for the BVM-20F1U/20F1E/
20E1U/20E1E and BVM-14F1U/14F1E/14E1U/
BKM-11R Monitor Control Unit
A controller for this monitor and other BVM-series
video monitors, allowing you to control multiple
monitors from one control unit.
BKM-12Y Monitor Memory Card
Memory cards which can be read and written by the
BKM-10R/11R or BVM-14F5U/14F5E/14E5U/