To disable the Wireless MAC Address Filters feature, keep the
default setting, Disable.
To set up an entry, click Enable, and follow these
First, you must decide whether the unspecifi ed wireless stations
can or cannot access the router. If you desire that the
unspecifi ed wireless stations can access the router, please
select the radio button Allow the stations not specifi ed by any
enabled entries in the list to access, otherwise, select the radio
button Deny the stations not specifi ed by any enabled entries in
the list to access.
To Add a Wireless MAC Address fi ltering entry, click the Add
New… button. The “Add or Modify Wireless MAC Address
Filtering entry” page will appear, shown in fi gure 28:
To add or modify a MAC Address Filtering entry, follow
these instructions:
1. Enter the appropriate MAC Address into the MAC Address
fi eld. The format of the MAC Address is XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX (X
is any hexadecimal digit). For example: 00-0A-EB-B0-00-0B.
2. Enter a simple description of the wireless station in the
Description fi eld. For example: Wireless station A.
3. Privilege - Selects the privileges for this entry, one of Allow /
Deny / 64-bit / 128-bit / 152-bit.
4. WEP Key - If you select 64-bit, 128-bit or 152-bit in the
Privilege fi eld, enter any combination of hexadecimal digits (0-9,
Fig. 28