Sun Microsystems T1000 Server User Manual

20 Sun Fire T1000 Server Service Manual January 2006
Switching Between the System Console and ALOM
To switch from the console output to the ALOM sc> prompt, type #. (Pound
To switch from the sc> prompt to the console, type console.
Service-Related ALOM Commands
TABLE 2-4 describes the typical ALOM commands for servicing a Sun Fire T1000
server. For descriptions of all ALOM commands, issue the help command or refer
to the Sun Fire T1000 Server Advanced Lights Out Management (ALOM) Guide.
TABLE 2-4 Service-Related ALOM Commands
ALOM Command Description
help [command] Displays a list of all ALOM commands with syntax and descriptions.
Specifying a command name as an option displays help for that command.
clearfault UUID Manually clears system faults. UUID is the unique fault ID of the fault to
be cleared.
powercycle [-f] Performs a poweroff followed by poweron. The -f option forces an
immediate poweroff, otherwise the command attempts a graceful
poweroff [-y][-f] Removes the main power from the host server. The -y option enables you
to skip the confirmation question. The -f option forces an immediate
shutdown. CAUTION: Using the -y option to skip the confirmation
question could enable you to inadvertently shut down the system.
poweron [-y][-c][FRU] Applies the main power to the host server. or FRU. The -y option enables
you to skip the confirmation question. The [-c] option instructs ALOM to
connect to the system console after performing the operation.
removefru[-y][FRU] Prepares a FRU for removal, and illuminates the host system’s OK to
Remove LED. >
reset [-y]-[-c] Generates a hardware reset on the host server. The -y option enables you
to skip the confirmation question. The[-c option instructs ALOM to
connect to the system console after performing the operation.
resetsc [-y] Reboots the ALOM system controller. The -y option enables you to skip
the confirmation question.
setkeyswitch [normal | stby
| diag | locked]
Sets the virtual keyswitch.
setlocator [on | off] Turns the Locator LED on the server on or off.