Chapter 2 Sun Fire T1000 Server Diagnostics 39
c. Follow the suggested actions to repair the fault.
Collecting Information From Solaris OS
Files and Commands
With the Solaris OS running on the Sun Fire T1000 server, you have the full
compliment of Solaris OS files and commands available for collecting information
and for troubleshooting.
If POST, ALOM, or the Solaris PSH features did not indicate the source of a fault,
check the message buffer and log files for notifications for faults. Hard drive faults
are usually captured by the Solaris message files.
Use the dmesg command to view the most recent system message. To view the
system messages log file, view the contents of the /var/adm/messages file.
▼ To Check the Message Buffer
1. Log in as superuser.
2. Issue the dmesg command:
The dmesg command displays the most recent messages generated by the system.
▼ To View System Message Log Files
The error logging daemon, syslogd automatically records various system
warnings, errors, and faults in message files. These messages can alert you to system
problems such as a device that is about to fail.
If Customer Enabled Services apply to the product then
refer to the FRU replacement procedures in the
appropriate service manual.
# dmesg