Chapter 2 Sun Fire T1000 Server Diagnostics 21
Note – For the ALOM ASR commands, see TABLE 2-7.
▼ To Run the showfaults Command
The showfaults command displays faults handled by ALOM. Use the
showfaults command for the following reasons:
■ To see if any faults have been passed to, or detected by ALOM.
■ To obtain the fault message ID (SUNW-MSG-ID).
■ To verify that the replacement of a FRU has cleared the fault and not generated
any additional faults.
showenvironment Displays the environmental status of the host server. This information
includes system temperatures, power supply, front panel LED, hard drive,
fan, voltage, and current sensor status. See “To Run the
showenvironment Command” on page 22.
showfaults [-v] Displays current system faults. See “To Run the showfaults Command”
on page 21.
showfru [-g lines][-s | -d]
Displays information about the FRUs in the server.
• The -g lines option specifies the number of lines to display before
pausing the output to the screen.
• The -s option displays static information about system FRUs (defaults
to all FRUs, unless one is specified)
• The -d displays dynamic information about system FRUs (defaults to all
FRUs, unless one is specified). See “To Run the showfru Command” on
page 24
showkeyswitch Displays the status of the virtual keyswitch.
showlocator Displays the current state of the Locator LED as either on or off.
showlogs [-b lines | -e lines][-
g lines][-v]
Displays the history of all events logged in the ALOM event buffer.
showplatform [-v] Displays information about the host system’s hardware configuration, and
whether the hardware is providing service.
TABLE 2-4 Service-Related ALOM Commands (Continued)
ALOM Command Description