22 Sun Fire T1000 Server Service Manual • January 2006
● At the sc> prompt, type the showfaults command.
In this example, showfaults is reporting a memory error at DIMM location
MB/CMP0/CH0/R1/D0. (J0701).
▼ To Run the showenvironment Command
The showenvironment command displays a snapshot of the server’s
environmental status. The information this command can display includes system
temperatures, hard drive status, power supply and fan status, and voltage and
current sensors.
Note – You do not need user permissions to use this command.
● At the sc> prompt, type the showenvironment command.
sc> showfaults -v
Last POST run: WED OCT 20 19:32:24 2004
POST status: Passed all devices
ID Time FRU Fault
1 OCT 21 14:32:48 MB/CMP0/CH0/R1/D0 Host detected fault,
SUN4U-8000-2S UUID: a26d5379-24b8-4a46-bcbf-d9e1ff75a1bc
sc> showenvironment
=============== Environmental Status ===============
System Temperatures (Temperatures in Celsius):
Sensor Status Temp LowHard LowSoft LowWarn HighWarn HighSoft HighHard
MB/T_AMB OK 28 -10 -5 0 45 50 55
MB/CMP0/T_TCORE OK 50 -10 -5 0 85 90 95
MB/CMP0/T_BCORE OK 51 -10 -5 0 85 90 95
MB/IOB/T_CORE OK 49 -10 -5 0 95 100 105
System Indicator Status: