44 Sun Fire T1000 Server Service Manual • January 2006
▼ To Check Whether SunVTS Software Is Installed
1. Check for the presence of SunVTS packages. Type:
■ If SunVTS software is loaded, information about the packages is displayed.
■ If SunVTS software is not loaded, you see an error message for each missing
The pertinent packages are as follows.
If SunVTS is not installed, you can obtain the installations packages from the
■ Solaris Operating System DVDs
■ From the Sun Download Center: http://www.sun.com/oem/products/vts
The SunVTS 6.0 PS3 software, and future compatible versions, are supported on the
Sun Fire T1000 server.
SunVTS installation instructions are described in the SunVTS User ’s Guide.
Exercising the System Using SunVTS Software
Before you begin, the Solaris OS must be running. You also need to ensure that
SunVTS validation test software is installed on your system. See “Checking Whether
SunVTS Software Is Installed” on page 43.
% pkginfo -l SUNWvts SUNWvtsr SUNWvtsts SUNWvtsmn
ERROR: information for "SUNWvts" was not found
ERROR: information for "SUNWvtsr" was not found
Package Description
SUNWvts SunVTS framework
SUNWvtsr SunVTS Framework (root)
SUNWvtsts SunVTS for tests
SUNWvtsmn SunVTS man pages