6000-100AppD.fm Rev. D TimeVault™ User’s Manual D-123
Symmetricom SNMP Enterprise MIB Appendix D: SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
actsNoAnswer OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
“The remote ACTS mode did not answer the call.”
::= { acts 13 }
actsBadReply OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
“The syntax of the reply from remote modem was incorrect, possibly
due to line noise.”
::= { acts 14 }
actsNoOnTimeMark OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Counter
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
“The reply from remote modem had no on time mark, possibly due to
line noise.”
::= { acts 15 }