4-76 TimeVault™ User’s Manual 6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D
Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions Extended Function Commands
4.4.13 F100 LOCK – Remote Lockout
Use Remote Lockout to disable remote control capability and secure the unit from Telnet
access. You can issue this command from Telnet or the serial port, or from the front panel.
The default setting is “Unlocked”. To once again activate remote access via Telnet, you
must unlock the unit using the front panel (see Keypad Entry Guidelines and NET Port
Network Parameters: First Time Configuration in Chapter 2).
To lock the unit from a remote location, send the following command:
F100 LOCK<Enter>
The unit responds:
Are you sure? (y/N)
If you answer “y” and press Enter, the unit executes the command.
As a safety feature, after sending this command, you have 10 seconds to respond
affirmatively (enter the letter “y”) to the confirmation prompt, after which the unit
executes the command and resets. Within that 10 second time period, any other response,
including no response, results in the unit canceling the command.
If you are using Telnet when you issue this command and answer “y” and press Enter, the
TimeVault executes the command by saying “Goodbye” and closing the Telnet session.
4.4.14 F100 L – Lock Display Request
Use Lock Display to view the lock setting state for remote Telnet access.
To view the lock setting for remote access, send the following command:
F100 L<Enter>
An example unit response:
This example shows that the unit is unlocked (0), so remote access is allowed.