6000-100Ch4.fm Rev. D TimeVault™ User’s Manual 4-85
Extended Function Commands Chapter 4: Serial or Telnet I/O Functions
4.4.31 F100 PE ADD - Peer Add
Use Peer Add to temporarily add an NTP peer node to be polled. After logging out, when
you log back in the original peer settings will be active.
To add a peer, send the following command:
F100 PE ADD<IP Address><Enter>
For example:
F100 PE ADD<Enter>
4.4.32 F100 PE REM - Peer Remove
Use Peer Remove to temporarily remove an NTP peer node from the polling list. After
logging out, when you log back in the original peer settings will be active.
To remove a peer, send the following command:
F100 PE REM<IP Address><Enter>
For example:
F100 PE REM<Enter>
4.4.33 F100 PI - PING
Use F100 PI to ping a remote host to see if it is reachable.
To ping a known host, send the following command:
F100 PI<IP Address><Enter>
For example:
F100 PI<Enter>
An example unit response:
PING: Remote Host Reachable.
4.4.34 F100 PT - Time
Use F100 PT to display UTC time in seconds.
To see UTC time in seconds, send the following command:
F100 PT<Enter>
An example unit response:
UTC: 990467862