Getting Started
AD007 User Manua l
Setup Procedure 5 - DHCP Server and Static IP
If the following conditions are true, the net work has automatic ally
configured the network settings of your adapter.
H The net work admi nistrator verifies that you have a DHCP/
BOOTP server on your network.
H The net work admi nistrator has assigned you a static IP address.
H The network administrator has indicated that the DHCP/BOOTP
server is configured to serve the static IP address to t he E thernet
hardware addre ss of your adapt er.
H One end of the RJ-45 cable is connected to the RJ-45 connector
on the back of the AD007 adapter. Push the connector in until it
H The other end of the RJ-45 cable is connected to the network
drop assigne d by the network technic ian.
H After the 30-second power on routine, the following states apply.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ( 3 0 s e c o nd s el f - t e st , li g h t s b li n k a m b er ) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- (Self test pass, indicators momentarily blink green) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Off Green/Amber/Off Green
(IP address is
H You are able to access the web pages of the adapter using the IP
address assigned by your ne twork administrator.
(The procedure to access the web page interface and continue on
with the rest of the installation is on page 26.)