Operating Basics
AD007 User Manua l
Printer Setup
The Print Setup page allows you to establish or change the
connection to a network printer.
H Printer setup
H Print status
Printer Setup
Under Printer Setup, enabling the Print Redirection feature allows
GPIB hard copy to go directly to a network printer. If Print
Redirection is on and there are no open GPIB device control
sessions, the AD007 will intercept all traffic on the GPIB bus and
send it as a print job to a networked printer. The AD007 adapter uses
the LPD print server protocol (RFC1179). To enable this feature,
select Print Redirection On.
NOTE. To avoid GPIB conflicts, make sure that only one device at a
time is in the hardcopy mode (EOI high). Do not leave instruments in
the hard c opy mode afte r the print job is finished.
To connect to a network printer, do these steps:
1. Verify that your print server supports LPD network printing.
2. Identify the server name or IP address of your LPD print server.
3. Identify the print queue of the desired print device.
4. Identify print format supported by the printer (e.g. Postscript,
Laserjet, Deskjet).